Window Safety For Kids

kids looking outside window

Every year many children are admitted to hospital with serious injuries as a result from falling from a window or balcony. These injuries happen often in their own homes and can be prevented with a little bit more care and planning. Children between the ages of one to five are at the highest risk of falling from a window or balcony since they are the most curious at this age. They also aren’t able to recognize danger at this young age.

How do children get injured?

Since most windows are around 3 to 4 feet above the floor level, parents don’t consider it a hazard for little children. However, children climb onto furniture and lean on the window or are jumping on the bed near a window that leads to a fall. Injuries from such falls result in broken bones, head injuries, bruises, cuts, and can even be fatal. Children can fall out of a window even if it’s open only 12 to 13 cm and a fly screen is present.

child near window

How to keep children safe near windows?

Have sturdy and durable windows installed in your home

Children tend to lean on windows and doors. While some do this to try and open a window or door, others do it due to their lack of balance or because they’re not paying attention. Windows made of poor quality materials aren’t able to take the weight of a child. They give way and break, leading to dangerous falls, especially from the first or second story of the property. Have good quality windows installed in your home. Windows made out of the strongest materials like UPVC or aluminum. Have tempered and laminated glass installed in these window frames to reinforce its structural integrity. These windows are less likely to break and won’t shatter either, making them safe in a home with children. 

Keep the windows shut at all times, unless you are present

To prevent any accidents, make sure the windows of your home are kept shut. Bolt all the windows and only keep the ones open where you’re present with your baby. If you prefer windows to be opened in certain areas of the home, have gates installed to prevent children from accessing these areas.  

Keep furniture away from the window

Children are really curious and try to climb onto and out of everything. To keep them safe, make sure the furniture is kept away from windows. Their crib, play pen, bed, sofa, etc. should all be at a distance from the window.

 Have old windows replaced with aluminum or UPVC windows. We at ORIDOW provide aluminum bi-fold windows, UPVC casement windows and many other window options. We offer a wide range of colors and designs to choose from as well. Get in touch with us for a free design consultation and quotation.

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